Full Sail大学


At Full Sail大学, emerging technology plays a large role in every degree program. 我们一直在创新,展望未来. 如果你对新兴技术充满热情,你就属于这里.

The 新兴科技奖学金 honors that commitment to forward-thinking education by awarding eligible candidates with a full-tuition scholarship for select technology-focused bachelor's degree programs at Full Sail.

要申请奖学金,请致电以下电话与您的招生代表联系: 800.226.7625



The 新兴科技奖学金 is designed to identify individuals who are exceptionally talented in their problem-solving and critical thinking skills, 在学业上取得成功, 对新兴科技产业充满热情. 通过这个项目, students will receive a full scholarship for select campus or online Bachelor of Science degree programs.

The 新兴科技奖学金 program will award a full scholarship including tuition and a laptop to eligible applicants pursuing select Full Sail大学 degree programs. Applicants will need to adhere to the eligibility criteria and strict deadlines outlined in the 最低资格要求 and 申请过程 sections. Finalists will be invited to a Full Sail大学 virtual event to participate in a whiteboard problem-solving competition. A very limited number of scholarships awarded to the finalists selected from the competition.


To be eligible for consideration, those applying for the 新兴科技奖学金 must:

  • Meet 招生 requirements for an eligible Bachelor of Science degree program: 计算机科学, 网络安全, 游戏开发, 信息技术, 模拟 & 可视化,或Web开发.
  • 至少取得以下一项成绩:高中GPA累计达到3分.8或以上, 2016年2月以后的SAT成绩达到或超过1133分, 或在提交奖学金申请时,ACT成绩达到或超过25分.
  • 在2024年6月22日前提交入学申请.
  • Submit an original project 与视频 per instructions in the 申请过程 section by 6月22日,2024.
  • 在获得奖学金后的两年内开始og体育.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress and adhere to Full Sail大学’s Code of Conduct.

准备好迈出下一步了? 你可以 请求更多关于我们节目的信息 招生代表很快就会和你联系.




  • Candidates will submit an original project 与视频 based on their degree program of interest by Saturday, 6月22日, 2024.
  • 有关项目要求,请参阅申请人的项目要求部分. 该项目和截屏的链接必须提交给 http://go.wxzjnt.com/emerging-technology-scholarship.
  • Candidates will be interviewed by a Full Sail大学 招生 representative and apply for admission by Saturday, 6月22日, 2024.
  • Candidates who meet the eligibility requirements for 第一轮 will be notified by Monday, 6月24日, 2022年有资格参加第2轮半决赛.


  • 第2轮通知后, 半决赛选手将提交一份完整的奖学金申请, 他们高中成绩单的复印件, 并在周三之前通过学生Full Sail One网站获得官方的SAT或ACT成绩, 6月26日, 2024.
  • Semifinalists who submit an original project that meets eligibility criteria and possess a high school GPA of 3.8, an SAT分数 of 1133, or an ACT score of 25 and above will qualify for Finalist status.
  • 入围者将在周五之前得到通知, 6月28日, 关于他们是否有资格参加第三轮比赛, Full Sail大学举办的电子白板解题比赛.


  • Finalists will be invited to participate in a whiteboard problem-solving competition on Saturday, 7月13日, 2024. 决赛选手将在活动前收到详细说明.
  • Based on the criteria given, scholarship awards will be announced by Thursday, July 18, 2024.


  • Scholarship applicants eligible for 第二轮 will be determined by the 新兴科技奖学金 panel based on the evaluation of the project submitted for the degree program of interest as listed in the Project Requirements for Applications section, 前提是仍然符合上述所有资格要求.
  • Scholarship applicants eligible for 第三轮 will be determined based on (1) their high school transcript, SAT分数, 或ACT成绩;(2)此奖学金申请, 只要符合所有资格要求. 未毕业的申请人可提交非正式成绩单.
  • Scholarship recipients will be determined based on Full Sail大学举办的电子白板解题比赛.

规定 & 奖的需求

  • Applicants must have applied as a new student to Full Sail大学 for a start date within two years of being selected for the scholarship.
  • og体育的变更, 中断教育, or withdrawal from degree program may result in cancellation of the scholarship award and disbursements. 学生明白,学生身份的变化可能会影响资格.
  • Final award of scholarship is contingent upon receipt of all required 招生 and 金融援助 documents by the assigned start date.
  • 延迟入学日期的学生可能会失去入学资格.
  • Funds from the 新兴科技奖学金 may only be used toward the tuition and laptop, 称为Project LaunchBox, Full Sail大学校园或在线理学学士og体育.
  • 学生的总平均成绩必须保持在3分.5 for the duration of their Emerging 技术 degree program to remain eligible for scholarship disbursements.
  • 此奖学金不可转让,也没有可兑换的现金价值.
  • 作为提交的一部分提供的文件将不予退还.
  • 作品必须是申请人的原创作品.
  • 所有提交的材料必须遵守Full Sail大学的非歧视政策. 申请人提交的作品不遵守此政策将被取消资格.
  • Work submitted will be judged by Full Sail大学’s 新兴科技奖学金 panel.
  • This scholarship cannot be combined with any other scholarships initiated and/or awarded by Full Sail大学.
  • 符合条件的学生可以获得经济援助.


所有申请者必须选择下面列出的一个项目,并提交一个原始项目, 与视频, 如下列说明所述:

网络安全 – Submit a project plan on how you would protect an information technology server against unauthorized hackers. 该计划应包括至少一个已识别的系统漏洞, 如果利用它的意义, 以及保护系统的可能措施. Also, a screencast explaining the reasoning on how to protect the system must be provided.

计算机科学 -提交用您选择的编程语言创建的软件应用程序. 提交的申请必须显示出重要性 而且要有独创性,必须用计算机科学原理解决问题. 您还必须显示对编程语言的重要使用(例如.g.、c#、c++、JavaScript、Java). 提交必须包括用于创建项目的所有资源和资产. 提交内容中必须引用外部资源. 提交一个简短的视频(不超过10分钟),包括以下内容:

  • 展示你的应用程序/网站/工作并解释其目的的视频.
  • 说明你的开发过程. 你是怎么做的?
  • A delineation of what is created and written by you and what is from other sources such as content, code, 库, 组工作, 框架, 等. The objective is to distinguish your original contributions to the project from outside sources.

电子工程 – Submit an original project creating a vehicle controlled by an external input device using an Arduino board (or equivalent). 你必须使用游戏引擎(Unity或虚幻)来编程你的车辆. 提交的项目必须包括原件 .被控制车辆的STL文件. 提交的材料必须包括所有用于制作游戏的资源和资产. 提交内容中必须引用外部资源. Submissions must be under 75 MB and submitted as a complete project in ZIP file format. 此外,还必须提供一个解释项目及其功能的视频.

信息技术 – Submit a project plan on how you integrated a new technology in your home network or lab. 描述一下你想要完成什么, 您使用的软件或硬件, 以及你项目的成果. 这个计划应该包括你的网络设计, 服务器, 使用的操作系统, 还有你演示和解释工作系统的视频.