
Grads Working Behind the Scenes in Pro 的电子竞技

媒体通信 graduates Melia Anguiano and Zoe Monday represent just a few of the diverse roles in professional esports.

Grads Working Behind the Scenes in Pro 的电子竞技 - Hero image

Organizations that make up the professional esports industry require skilled teams of more than just competitive players to succeed. 无论是通过市场营销, 内容创作, 或者管理物流, the teams behind the scenes play an integral role in the esports ecosystem.

满帆 graduates Melia Anguiano and Zoe Monday are two members of the pro esports community who are applying their skills to roles with some of the most recognizable names in professional esports.

Melia, who recently transitioned to a role with 根.G的电子竞技 作为人才和社区战略经理, started her career as an Operations Manager for Los Angeles-based esports organization the 哨兵, handling a wide range of responsibilities.

“我收到了很多采访请求, any kind of logo assets that any tournament outlet might need, 我得把这个告诉他们. I was managing our website, still making sure players get merchandise," she explains. ”也, 我负责所有的财务事宜, 确保我们能得到报酬, 确保商品定价合理, 整理销售报告, getting files to our merchandise provider so that we can get mockups and new items going."

Working her way up from an internship with the 哨兵 while she was still enrolled as a student in 满帆's 媒体传播专业, Melia's management roles have come as a result of marrying her passion for gaming with her well-established skills in management. "I feel 就像 when you can combine work and your passion together. It's really easy for you to work and do your best work because I was always excited, and I'm still excited to go to work every day,梅莉亚说。.

"I 就像 to be the person that is greasing the wheels and getting everything going, 就像, “好吧, 你做了这个视频. 我们如何让它在YouTube上变得强大? Do you need advertisement money to make that happen? 我们要怎么做?'"

But logistics aren't the only thing that keeps a pro esports organization's train on the tracks. 内容创建中的角色, 就像 that of 邪恶的天才' design and motion graphics artist Zoe Monday, help pro teams build their community reach and 粉丝bases.

Zoe, a fellow 媒体通信 graduate, started with Seattle-based esports organization 邪恶的天才 [on their Ingenious Creators intern team before being brought on as a full-time designer. “我们有很多不同的项目," says Zoe on the types of graphics she's created in her time with the org. "I've made some PowerPoint templates for the content team for [the] pitches they're doing. We've done player wallpapers for 粉丝s that are just free that we can put out there. So a lot of work in Illustrator and Photoshop."

Creating content for a diverse esports audience takes careful consideration, as Zoe explains. "We have multiple games associated with our organization and within those different games, 我们有不同种类的风扇. A 队伍2 范很不一样 CS:去 粉丝. 另外还有交叉, 整个组织都有粉丝, but the culture and community in those areas is different. So while each of the projects we're doing need to fit 邪恶的天才' voice as a whole, it also needs to cater toward the right audience."

Melia and Zoe represent just some of the unique roles creative and entertainment-focused professionals can attain in the growing esports industry.

"的电子竞技 has so many ways that different people from different areas can contribute to it," says Zoe. "It's such a connected way to be involved in the gaming industry."